Thursday, June 19, 2014

Captain Aaron Root House – Down at Last

The view on Wednesday morning
The house that was once the home of Captain Aaron Root finally came tumbling down on Tuesday night.

As I drove home that night on Route 611 and approached the intersection with Abbe Road, I saw a large, reddish cloud of dust and dirt hovering above the ground – so I knew that the demolition team was hard at work. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera.

All was quiet when I passed it on Wednesday morning. But when I went by it again Wednesday night on my way home, the property was again teeming with activity. I had to drive by a few times just to grab a few usable shots (below).

It's too bad that one of the oldest homes in Lorain County had to go, but at least I had the opportunity (along with several others) to satisfy my morbid curiosity and run amuck in the house before it was taken down.
Plus, I have my souvenirs – a brick from one of the fireplaces and my Donald Duck bubble pipe.

All the trees are down (below) in this photo taken on Saturday, June 21.

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