Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Now Open – Brady's Dairyland

1965 city directory listing
for W. 21st Street
In case you're wondering, the above ad is not a plug for some business endeavor of mine!

The ad is from the Lorain Journal of May 25, 1962 – 52 years ago this month – and promotes the opening of Brady's Dairyland. I first mentioned Brady's Dairyland on the blog back here.

I'm betting that most of my readers don't remember two different Brady businesses operating in the same area at the same time (I sure didn't.)

I still get confused with the fine folks who ran Brady's Restaurant. As recently as last month. I was asked if my family was the one that ran the restaurant – which tells you how well-remembered that place is.

Maybe if I keep this blog going for the next twenty years, someone will ask me, "Hey, are you the one who does the blog?"

I kind of doubt it, though. No one has ever asked me yet!


  1. Hey, by the way, are you the one who does the blog?

    --S. M. Artass

  2. Hey! Thanks for asking! You're the first!

  3. I remember Brady's Restaurant very well. It had yellow wood siding with pastel neon lights around it, just south of the intersection of West 21st Street and Leavitt Road, where a then-thriving Westgate Plaza shopping center was located. My grandmother lived on West 21st near Oberlin Avenue and my other grandmother lived in Amherst, so Leavitt Road was the route to get to both from our house on West Erie and Brady's was frequently in our sights. Loved the hamburgers and milkshakes. Very much Lorain's version of Bearden's in Rocky River.
