Wednesday, October 16, 2013

William H. Root Home Article – October 8, 1959

Here's a great full-page article about the well-known William H. Root home on East Erie Avenue near Root Road. It's from the pages of the Thursday, October 8, 1959 Lorain Journal – 54 years ago this month. (Click on it for a larger version.)

The article was written by Lou Kepler and includes a very thorough history of the home and a detailed description of its furnishings at the time.

The Root home is one of my favorite topics on this blog. I did a two part story on it back in 2011 (here and here).

I've mentioned several times about the fact that the Root house is only almost 500 feet from mine, so I get to enjoy seeing it to and from work. This past weekend, I once again aimed my digital camera at it (below) for a late afternoon portrait. (The new fence looks great.)

By the way, the newspaper page shown above includes an article about a home tour (sponsored by the Lorain Chapter of American Association of University Women) that mentions a few other homes that were showplaces at the time, including that of Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Davidson on Meister Road.
All of us that grew up in the area of Skyline Drive or Meister during the 1960s were well aware of the beautiful Davidson home. It defined the idea of being "rich" to many of us kids! Plus, there were those peacocks on the grounds that gave it so much character.
I had no idea that the house had a name: "Willowbrook."


  1. Is that why the "creek" near it was called Willow Creek. I walked across that each school day heading from W 29th to Masson Jr. High.

  2. some of us still name our homes :) Deeping Gate is my home's monicker. I knew Lou Kepler when I first came to Lorain she was a lovely soul and Harriet Root has been a favourite

  3. I know it's strange, but the main creek running through there is called Martin's Run. We always called it Willow Creek too since the park there was called Willow Park. I'm not positive but I think there was a development or subdivision with the Willow name too in that area.

    If you missed this post about "Willow Creek", be sure to copy this link and paste it into your browser:
