Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lake Breeze Estates Ad – June 4, 1960

I saw this ad for Lake Breeze Estates in the June 4, 1960 edition of the Lorain Journal and knew I had to post it. It had all the ingredients to catch my interest: a vintage housing development, a bit of Sheffield Lake history and our old pal Reddy Kilowatt.

It's interesting seeing the electric and gas utility companies duke it out in these old ads. Reddy must have won a lot of the battles in Sheffield Lake, because both the spouse's childhood home on Hollywood as well as my apartment on Irving Park both had electric heat.

I like the Lake Breeze Estates logo, although it's vaguely reminiscent of the well-known BirdsEye frozen foods logo.

Note that Lake Breeze was still designed State Route 301 at the time of this ad (before the state route designation was moved over to Abbe Road to the east).

By the way, I drove up and down Lake Breeze several times trying to find this house to photograph it. I'll be doggoned if I know where it is.


  1. That's the houses on Knickerbocker Road (I live there)

  2. No wonder I couldn't find it! They must have had signs back then to guide you to the model home – thus no address. Thanks for pointing that out to me!

  3. Although mine has gas heat.I live towards the end of the street. Love your blog :)

  4. Glad you like it! And--I drove down Knickerbocker on the way home tonight and you're right--that is a very popular style on the north side of the street! But each one is a little different.
