Friday, March 29, 2013

1963 Hill's Easter Ad

Here's an Easter-themed ad for well-remembered Hill's Department Store (one of my favorite topics on this blog) out in South Lorain that ran on March 30, 1963 – fifty years ago this month.

It seems strange to see the words "South Lorain" in the ad.

I like the loose, sketchy style of the cartoon bunny. That particular illustrative style was creeping into ads and children's books about then; I guess it was a backlash against the rigid, inked line drawings that was so prevalent in 1950s advertising.

Anyway, Happy Easter everybody!


  1. Happy Easter to you and yours, Dan!

    My Channel 19 weather app gives me a reading for South Lorain every now and then :)

  2. Thanks and Happy Easter to you too, Lisa! I wonder if your app gives the weather for Whiskeyville?
