Thursday, March 28, 2013

1913 Ohio Flood Headlines

It hasn't gotten a lot of publicity, but this week is the 100th anniversary of the Flood of 1913. According to this article on the Ohio History Central website, it was the greatest natural disaster in Ohio history, caused by heavy rains.

Here's a link to a particularly great article about the flood on the website, with some eye-popping photos of just how bad a calamity it was. It was basically Ohio's version of a disaster on the scale of Hurricane Katrina.

Here's the link to the website and its flood article, clickable photo gallery and even some movie footage.

And here's how The Lorain Times-Herald reported it 100 years ago today (click on it for a larger view.) Sorry for the poor quality image; the older microfilm material is rather unreadable.

And here's how The Elyria Democrat of March 27, 1913 covered it (below).

And since I have it, here's how The Mansfield News reported it 100 years ago today (below). This particular newspaper downplayed its flood reporting.

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