Monday, November 7, 2011

Lewis Radio & TV Service Then & Now

I found this photo of the Lewis Radio - TV Service building at 421 Colorado Avenue in an ad in one of those commemorative Lorain Journals at the library. The ad appeared in the June 21, 1955 edition.

The advertising copy mentioned that the company had provided service to Lorain and the surrounding area for six full years, repairing radios, televisions and other electronic equipment.

When I saw the ad, I remembered that I had featured Lewis Radio & TV Service prominently on my other internet project: Oakie's Treehouse.

For several years, Lewis Radio & TV had an advertising mascot named TV Teddy that appeared in their ads (below).

1956 phone book ad
For a history of TV Teddy and Lewis Radio & TV Service, click here.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot – here's the 'now' photo of Lewis Radio & TV.

1 comment:

  1. I always thought those little brick buildings along that stretch used to be bars for the shipyard workers, similar to 28th Street & the steelworker bars.
