Friday, November 4, 2011

Don't forget to turn back the clock!

This is kind of amusing. It ran on the front page of the Journal on October 29, 1966 as a reminder to turn the clocks back since Daylight Savings Time was ending that weekend. (It ends early this Sunday morning at 2:00 AM for us too.)

Although the caption doesn't specifically state it, I'm assuming that Evelyn Vogel wasn't really up there on the Journal clock tower in the Norm Bergsma photograph – or was she?

I'm guessing the photo was a tribute to the classic Harold Lloyd 'dangling from a clock' pose from the 1923 film Safety Last (below).

Here's the Journal clock tower as it looks today.

1 comment:

  1. -Alan....

    I remember when all three clock faces were generally wrong.
