Wednesday, June 8, 2011

LaGana Fish House Then and Now

Back here I had posted this image, which a helpful reader reminded me was LaGana's Fish House at 1464 Broadway. Well, this past weekend I finally got around to shooting a 'now' version of it, since it wasn't raining like it was every other weekend since the beginning of April!

Traffic was pretty light on Broadway on Sunday, and I had no trouble standing in the middle of the road to get my shot.

Today the building is home to Auto Color & Equipment. It looks like it has been well-taken care of, but the trees are sadly missed, along with the little nautical touches.

As a reminder of the building's earlier incarnation, here's a 1951 newspaper ad for the LaGana Fish Company. Back then, however, they were located on Broadway a little bit north of the building shown above.

It's both strange and sad thinking of the rich assortment of businesses, such as LaGana's, that used to line Broadway.


  1. Before it was LaGana's, there was a bar called Zatroch's there. I went there with my dad a couple of times in the late 50's, early 60's.

  2. Hello! I am very familiar with 1464 Broadway when it was Zatroch's Cafe. My grandparents (and family) Zuzana and Stefan Zatroch owned the bar, I am guessing from about 1914-1960's. My dad John Zatroch was born in 1917 upstairs where my grandparents lived. Upstairs was also a boarding house. Downstairs during prohibition years, it was a soda fountain instead of a bar, and wonderful Slovak food was always served. We had all our big family gatherings and holidays at "the bar". We kids were allowed to have one soda. My family has many other stories and photos from those years, if you all are interested! Delene (Zatroch) St. Clair

    1. Hi I'm Steven George Crawford, grandson of George. He was my sergate father because Charlie was no damn good. Pappa sold the bar in 1975. I miss him greatly.
