Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Vintage Elberta Inn Ads

Here's a couple of vintage ads for the Elberta Inn. The combo ad above is from May of 1946, and the one at the bottom of this post is a more recent one from the 1971-72 Lorain phone book.
The ads are kind of interesting because they date from the glory days of the Elberta Inn, when a night out meant a dinner and live entertainment for dancing. (It's almost strange to see the name of the man who would later become Mayor of Lorain in the above ad – because you usually see his band listed as performing at Lincoln Park.)
A few days ago, I mentioned how I recently became interested in dining at Alize at Elberta – only to see it burn down over the weekend. 
My heart goes out to the owners, as well as to the restaurant's regulars. I know how a favorite restaurant can become a home away from home, and how much it becomes a part of your life.
1971 Lorain phone book ad

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