Thursday, March 3, 2011

March 1962 Shoreway Shopping Center Ad

Seeing how it is now March, it's appropriate for me to post this cute ad for the Shoreway Shopping Center in my town, Sheffield Lake. It ran in the Lorain Journal on March 1, 1962 – forty-nine years ago.

I don't hear the old "in like a lion, out like a lamb" analogy for March too often anymore. I think it's starting to become rather passé up here in Northeast Ohio, where sometimes it's downright mild in early March, and sometimes we get a mini-blizzard in April.

Anyway, I think the ad is fairly eye-catching, with its great type and clip-art (although the graphic artist rather lazily plunked the word CENTERWIDE onto his artwork, without worrying about matching the other type or fixing the word spacing!)

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