Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ohio Edison 1966 Corporate Identity

With the demolition of its old Oberlin Avenue power plant taking place right now, I seem to have Ohio Edison on my mind. So it's a good time to post this photo and caption from the May 2, 1966 Lorain Journal. It describes the recent adoption of a new corporate logo for the company featuring the Reddy Kilowatt character. (Click on the photo for a larger, readable image.)

I like the fact that the company used Reddy so much in their advertising and corporate communications. He really did his job, giving the electric utility a friendly face. Nowadays, I view most of my utility bills with suspicion.

Readers of this blog know that  I never pass up an opportunity to feature Reddy Kilowatt here, since he is one of my favorite advertising mascots! I did a history of the character back here last year, and featured a few more images here.

I'm sure Reddy would be heartbroken with the demolition of the Oberlin Avenue plant!


  1. I wasn't aware they were tearing it down...where's the power coming from now?

  2. My guess is the Ohio Edison plant out on the west side on US 6 near the old Ford plant. It's just not as impressive as the old one with those huge smokestacks!

  3. I will miss it, I worker there for 31 years.
