Sunday, February 21, 2010

Oh When the Saints Go Marching Out...

As usual, I stumble on interesting things on microfilm while looking for something else, and here's one of them. It's a photo and caption that ran in the Journal on September 3, 1970, announcing that the 'Southview Saints' name had been added to the front of George Daniel Stadium. (Click on it so you can read it.) This is the classic painted sign that is well-remembered by many, and it is an impressive bit of artwork. I also mentioned it here in an earlier blog. The photo's kind of interesting in view of the fact that by next school year, both the 'Saints' and 'Admirals' will be no more, and will join the 'Steelmen' name in High School Limbo.

I accept the fact that when a new high school is built in a different location in the city, a new name would probably be in order. A few people (including my mother and the clerk at the dry cleaners) think it should be called Lorain High School, since it will be the only high school in Lorain – and I tend to agree. However, I still think the quick abandoning of the Admiral King name by this September is a disgrace.

If by some miracle the new high school name is Lorain High School, I'm not sure that the Steelmen name would necessarily be revived for the mascot, since Lorain isn't exactly making a lot of steel – or anything – anymore. It could be a real problem coming up with a mascot that sums up what Lorain is all about.

Not to worry, though. Your friendly blogger has come up with a few (tongue-in-cheek) mascot names for the new high school:
  • the Fighting Democrats
  • the Internationals (gotta promote the Festival, right?)
  • the Woody's (in honor of Mayor Mathna)
  • the River Rats (why do I think this one has a real chance?)
Okay all of you regular readers of this blog (both of you)! What do you think would make a good mascot for the new high school?


  1. Well, having been away from Lorain for awhile, it is difficult to come up with something "catchy" that reflects the current times. I do agree with your mom and the clerk at the dry cleaners that Lorain High is probably the best name for the combined and new high school. As for a mascot name, I may have to think about that one for awhile and get back to you.

    I do think that some type of icon should be represented at the new school. I know AKHS had that anchor out front. Is it still there? Maybe have that, something from LHS and Southview represented there will calm people down.

    I will check in later with possible names...although I do like River Rats. Mmmmmmm...maybe the Yala's and have a pizza slice mascot. Everyone loves Yala's.....right??

  2. I agree, the Yala's would be a great mascot name for a Lorain team! (Although it would give our football rivals some new slogans--"Slice the Yala's!" "Devour the Yala's!"

    Plus there'd eventually be a gang war (with everyone brandishing pizza slicers) between the Lorain Yala's and the Stella's gang from Avon Lake!

  3. As a 1981 graduate of Southview, I too agree that the new high school in Lorain should be called Lorain High School. As for a nickname reflecting the current state of the city, how about the "Potholes"?

  4. Thanks for the post! I really do think that Lorain High or Lorain Central High would be appropriate.

    "Potholes" is pretty good--they could use 'holes' for short! (Just kidding!)

    If you want to read some really brutally funny name suggestions, cut and paste this link into your browser:

    (PS I remember Claude Coller, the Southview band director in the 1970's from all the Band-o-Ramas as well as football games)
