Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Yala's Pizza Moving?

Several weeks ago, I noticed a sign in front of a building near the southern end of Oberlin Avenue promoting something like "Coming soon... Yala's Pizza Drive Thru." When I went to pick up my weekly Friday night Yala's pizza, I asked the young woman at the counter about it. She told me that the owners were seriously considering closing the current location next to Dom & Luigi's Barber Shop and moving down to the other end of Oberlin Avenue. She told me that they were doing an informal poll of their customers about the move.
I told her that I thought it was a terrible idea. Yala's is a Lorain landmark at that location, and that it would be a big blow to that neighborhood, which is already losing its identity with the closing of Willow Hardware. Plus, the pizza probably wouldn't taste the same.
It's been a few weeks since we talked and I don't know what the current status of the move. But it's definitely a half-baked idea!

1 comment:

  1. Whalen's gone, Lawson's gone, Willow Hardware gone... too many changes for premature geezers like you and me-- dadgumit!
