Friday, October 9, 2009

Willow Hardware Memories

It's hard to look at the new CVS at the corner of Meister Road and Oberlin Avenue where Willow Hardware used to be and not be annoyed. Did we really need another drug store in Lorain?

I've never really accepted CVS as the successor to Revco anyway, and the loss of my favorite hardware store (as well as their knowledge and help) doesn't exactly make me want to patronize the place. (I've always been a big Discount Drug Mart man, although I'm becoming a big fan of Walgreens' great selection of non-drug items.)
Anyway, I dug up this quaint Willow Hardware phone book ad from the 1950s. Feel free to post your Willow Hardware memories! (It's easy -- and I recently changed the settings so you don't have to register to be able to leave a comment. Try it!)


  1. Willow was still a place where you could buy one bolt if you had to. Try doing that at Home Depot!

  2. Or if you needed a left-handed Veeblefester--Willow Hardware was the place to get it! (They even had the ones with the belt in the back!)

  3. Its the ones with the belt in the back that you can't find in Texas.
