Monday, January 13, 2025

A Tale of a Dog at Vermilion Lagoons – Jan. 13, 1955

Are there any dog lovers out there? 

If so, then this front-page story from the January 13, 1955 Lorain Journal might be of interest. It's about a dog named Pepper, living at the Vermilion Lagoons and owned by Mr. Samuel George.

The focus of the article is that Pepper might have been on his way to setting some sort of record for longevity as he was about 22 years old – equivalent to age 161 in a human.

The whole concept of aging in dogs and comparing it to humans is an inexact science at best, since so many factors are involved. And some smaller breeds are known to exceed the average dog lifespan of 10 to 13 years.

Nevertheless, the story of Pepper is a cute one. Like many other locals, she came to Lorain from McKeesport, Pennsylvania. Her owner noted that she had never been to a vet or been seriously ill and simply 'runs and jumps and enjoys life.'


We never had a dog when I was growing up, although my siblings and I wanted one. I think Mom (who had a dog herself when she was a kid on Sixth Street in Lorain) said it would be too much work. So I ended up with a fish, and then a hamster. The first real pet came much later, when my older brother brought home a kitten from the steel mill in his lunch box. Although we didn't know it at the time, that cat would be my parents' beloved pet for about the next 20 years.


  1. 'runs and jumps and enjoys life.' - could we do any better?

  2. Back when newspapers had a little something for everyone to read and enjoy

  3. I also like kitty cats.We only had 1 dog but always had numerous cats throughout the years.Cats are more non dependent on people whereas a dog needs constant upkeep like your mother had said(mom's know best).
