Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Toronto Maple Leafs – 1964 Stanley Cup Champions

That's the Maple Leafs captain, "The Chief," George Armstrong to the right of the Cup.
Next to Armstrong is defenceman Bob Baun.
The Toronto Maple Leafs are down 3-1, in the best-of-7 series against the Boston Bruins in the Eastern Conference First Round. (Sigh.)

I had hoped that this post about the 1964 Stanley Cup Finals would be sort of a good luck charm for the Maple Leafs. But if they don't win tonight, they're finished, eh.

Anyway, they had sort of a rough time back in 1964 too. Their General Manager/Coach Punch Imlach even used the "Power of Positive Thinking" to help them beat their arch enemy Montreal. This article from the Lorain Journal of April 3, 1964 explains.

From the Lorain Journal, April 3, 1964
By April 8, 1964, both the Maple Leafs and the Detroit Red Wings were tied in their semifinal series against their respective opponents.

From Lorain Journal, April 8, 1964
In the end, it was the Maple Leafs vs. the Detroit Red Wings in the Stanley Cup finals of the National Hockey League. It was a rematch of the 1963 finals.
From the Lorain Journal, April 14, 1964
By April 21, 1964 the series was tied 2-2.
From the Lorain Journal, April 21, 1964
And then the Leafs were down by one game – and on the verge of losing the whole thing.
It all came down to Game 7 on April 25, 1964.
But the Maple Leafs prevailed, shutting out the Red Wings in Game 7. It was their third Stanley Cup in a  row.

Another view of the Maple Leafs posing with the Stanley Cup in 1964
The Leafs would win the Stanley Cup again in 1967.
Here's hoping the Maple Leafs keep their hopes alive tonight. My bucket list (besides eating at Yogi Bear's restaurant) includes a trip to Toronto to join in a Stanley Cup celebration.


  1. Hey Dan - it's playoff hockey time in Smashville too. The Preds are down 3-1 vs the Canucks as well. I never was a huge Barons fan although I did go to a few games at the old arena. My 8th grade teacher played hockey and took a bunch of his students to a few games. Let me tell you the atmosphere in Nashville is something to experience. I've been to Browns and Cavs playoffs and Indians world series games but nothing comes close to playoff hockey. For example the fans will stand up and cheer throughout a TV timeout until the game restarts...It's something! Good Luck and I hope you get to experience Lord Stanley's Cup. Todd

  2. Todd is right - playoff hockey is the best! I follow the Columbus Blue Jackets, so there has been precious little of that action, unfortunately.

    Good luck to the Leafs!

  3. Thanks, guys! The Leafs have so much talent, it will happen one of these years... I hope! And Todd, I hope your Predators win Game 5 tonight too!
