Monday, March 11, 2024

Winter Storm Finale – March 10, 1964

Were you as surprised as I was to realize that winter isn't quite over yet? 

Despite Punxsutawney Phil's prediction of an early spring, and the fact that people were wearing shorts and T-shirts just last week, winter isn't over until Mother Nature sez so. (In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the much ballyhooed total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 gets snowed under.)

Sixty years ago, the good citizens of Lorain County were probably just as perturbed as we are now, if the headline of the March 10, 1964 Journal is an indication. At least the storm is seen as the finale of winter.

The other photo on the front page shows an original painting by Stevan Dohanos that was donated to the Lorain Community Hospital, as well as the cover of The Saturday Evening Post cover on which it appeared.

There's also foreshadowing of two big events in Lorain's future, including the proposal of a high school for South Lorain, and a new City Hall.

1 comment:

  1. I don't care what no dang whistle pig says... Winter ain't over until the end of April!
