Wednesday, March 13, 2024

U.S.S. Lorain is Launched – March 1944

Eighty years ago today on Monday, March 13, 1944, the U.S.S. Lorain was being prepped for a launch later in the week. Above is the Lorain Journal from that date with the news.

As the article notes, "Lorain's own warship, the U.S.S. Lorain, will slide down the launching ways at the American Shipbuilding Cp. yards here at 12:20 p. m. Saturday.

"Meanwhile, plans went forward for the city celebration which is to accompany the launching of the first warship ever to bear Lorain's name. The U.S.S. Lorain is a 303-foot frigate, built under U. S. Maritime Commission specifications for convoy duty.

"Christening the ship will be Mrs. Fred Henderson, mother of Marine Hero Maj. Lofton Henderson who was killed at the battle of Midway.

"The city is clearing and leveling ground in back of the Eagles-blog at Broadway and 6th-st, which is almost exactly opposite the building berth where the trim warship waits its christening. From this point a clear view of the launching ceremony will be possible. 

"Launching here the warship Lorain will add further to the city's 46-year shipbuilding tradition, and will in fact come pretty close to being on the 46th anniversary of the launching of the first ship here by the American Shipbuilding Co.

"It was on April 13, 1898 that the company launched the Superior City, 430-foot ore carrier which at that time was the largest vessel on the Great Lakes. Many of the men who worked on the Superior City also have had a part in the building of the Lorain.

"The Superior City proved her worth in 22 years of operation on the Great Lakes, but was lost in a collision in 1920."

The launching came off without a hitch on Saturday. 

Lorain's own Admiral Ernest J. King flew home to attend the christening and greet Mrs. Henderson.

This United States Coast Guard website includes the story of the U.S.S. Lorain. The Wiki entry for the U.S.S. Lorain also provides a history of the ship as well as a photo.

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