Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Kensington-on-the-Lake Ad – March 21, 1964

I've lived in Vermilion since May of 2018, but am still learning my way around the city. Much like my hometown of Lorain, a river runs through it – and you tend to spend more time on the side that you live on. Thus there are areas of town that I just haven't explored.

Thus when I saw the ad above for Kensington-on-the-Lake in the 'Suburban Property' section of the March 21, 1964 Journal, I didn't immediately recognize that the area it was promoting. It turns out that it's actually part of the Vermilion-on-the-Lake neighborhood, just a few minutes from where I live now.

The ad is a study in contrasts. On one hand, it seems designed to appeal to those with a taste for the finer things in life, with its promise of an "Exclusive Country Club membership facilities and private beach and play area." But it specifically reaches out to Ford workers, mentioning that it is only 2 1/2 miles to the Ford Plant, which is also depicted on the map to the model home.

Speaking of that map, it seems to be a little off (as usual), if one expects to find the same model home in the photo located where it is shown in the drawing. A short drive over to Berkely and Kensington shows a different house (with no attached garage) on that corner.

Drive down Kensington, and you'll find the same house as the model home (sans garage), over and over.
But what's nice is that many of the home owners remodeled their houses (changing the roof line, etc.) making each one unique and distinctive. Best if all, the homes are affordable and still a short walk from the lake – the point of the 1964 ad.


  1. Went online and saw that neighborhood is selling from 120k to around 200k, depending on the improvements. There are some that are the same as when built, but you're right. many have been added on to and enlarged over the years.

    I wouldn't even know the neighborhood is there except for you, Dan!

  2. My parents moved from Tennessee to work at the Ford plant. Their first home was in VOL, and they loved it. They moved there in the early to mid 60's, so this ad may have been the one that sold them! Thanks for sharing, Dan!

  3. I never spent a lot of time in Vermilion, the word on the street being that it was one of THOSE towns, like South Amherst and Avon Lake, where I wouldn't be welcome.
    Funny, the things we get taught as kids, and perhaps teach as adults.

  4. Alan:

    I grew up in one of THOSE towns. I strongly suspect it still is.

    But I now live in a town that's not. I suppose that's progress.

  5. I don't recall a school being on the corner of overlook and edgewater as shown on the map.

  6. Very interesting! I grew up in a little 60s ranch home and loved it. My parents still own it to this day and the “maintenance-free” aluminum siding still looks decent!
