Monday, February 5, 2024

Blog Break!

I'll be taking a few days off the blog this week while I recover from the cold flu whatever this is. I haven't been sick during winter for years, so I guess I was overdue. I'm spending most of my time sleeping.

In the meantime, here's a link to a past post in which I reminisced about being 'sick in the 60s.'


  1. Hope you feel better soon, Dan!

  2. Get well soon Dan.I was sick for about 2 weeks before it broke and now I feel refreshed and reinvigorated.

  3. Get rested and get well soon!

  4. Get well soon, Dan. We Lorainites can't start our day without you!

  5. Don't drink too much of that cough elixir!

  6. Thanks for the well wishes. Nothing like being sick for a few days to remind you to appreciate good health (if you are lucky enough to have it most of the time)!
