Friday, January 19, 2024

Vogt Oldsmobile Ad – Jan. 19, 1954

I'm a big Oldsmobile fan, so naturally this ad for Vogt Oldsmobile from the January 19, 1954 Lorain Journal caught my eye. The dealership was celebrating its move to the building at 2950 Broadway that resembles an airplane hangar. As noted on this 2011 post (as well as this one from 2018), Kunick Motor Sales was at that location before Vogt moved in, and Kaminski Oldsmobile became the tenant as the 1950s drew to a close.

I like the fact that the ad features photos of the entire staff of Vogt Oldsmobile. Imagine my surprise when I recognized one of my mother's floor-mates from Kingston of Vermilion! The gentleman (whose identity I'll keep to myself out of respect for his privacy) sat with Mom and me at dinner many times, and I enjoyed his company and good humor very much. Even in his late 80s, his mind was sharp as a tack.

Strangely enough, while doing some blog research I discovered that in the mid-1960s, the gentleman was involved in a traffic accident right where the Big V is located at West Erie and Fifth Street. When I mentioned it to him, he correctly told me the date it happened and the names of the others involved in the accident! However, he wasn't sure about whether the Big V had been hit, and the report of the accident in the Journal doesn't say anything about it.

Anyway, I'm not sure if the gentleman is still on this Earthly plane, but either way, I wish him well.

A 2023 view


  1. That "V" continues to be a source of mystery, don't it?

  2. I like Oldsmobiles too Dan.I made a garden hose "reel" out of a 15 inch Olds Super Stock II rim that I had lying around.I painted it coffee color brown as that's the color of a "75 Cutlass I had back in high school.It's all dressed up with a centerpiece and trim ring.
