Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!

Here's wishing all of you a most Happy New Year! Thanks for making this blog a regular stop! A special thank-you goes out to all of the regular commenters and contributors that make things much more interesting and fun.

Below is the obligatory full-page ad celebrating the New Year that ran in the Journal on Dec. 31, 1963 – sixty years ago. 

The Journal also do a look-back over the events of 1963 in this two page spread.

As usual, I'd like to say Happy Birthday to my older brother Ken, Lorain's First Baby of 1958. Here's the obligatory cute photo of him, circa 1959. I wonder if he still has the huge mouse toy (seen back on this post too)? Since Ken lives in Texas (where everything is bigger), I'll be the meeses mice down there are about as big as that toy.

By George, I think it's about time the Morning Journal dispatched a reporter down to Texas to do a follow-up story on Ken.


  1. Happy New Year Dan...I'm Looking forward to another year of interesting Lorain County tidbits. I wonder if that's Topo Gigio? Todd

  2. Happy New Year, Todd! That's a good question! And it's so funny you remembered Topo Gigio – the main reason we watched Ed Sullivan (besides the Muppets)!

  3. Happy New Year everybody.It was nice to see UAW Local 425 dedicate a $134,000 house.Back when unions really cared for "the cause".That was the Lorain Ford Plant's old local.It was dissolved once Ford closed the Lorain Assembly Plant back in 2006.UAW 425 was a proud local to be in before the UAW International corruption scandal tainted the entire UAW organization.

  4. Happy New Year, Dan and everyone!

    Dan - is that you in the murky distance of your brother's photo?

  5. Hi Buster, Happy New Year! That's Ken in the framed photo and my sister on the sofa. I was still in a crib (about a month old) when that photo was taken.

  6. Tom Clinkscales, the AKHS student who was stabbed, was teaching Black History there when I was a student.
