Saturday, December 23, 2023

Lorain Journal Front Page – Dec. 24, 1973


Fifty years ago, this was the front page of the Christmas Eve edition of the Journal on Dec. 24, 1973.

For years, the Journal dependably featured the special illustrative border of the Three Wise Men approaching the manger with the Star of Bethlehem overhead. What's interesting is that this is a slightly redrawn version of the border that Journal cartoonist Gene Patrick had created, that was used roughly from 1968 to 1972. This one is credited to "Wilson."

As was the custom, the Journal ran a final report on the Mary Lee Tucker Clothe-a-Child campaign.


Today is longtime regular blog contributor Alan Hopewell's birthday! Be sure to leave a birthday greeting for him here or, even better, on his Facebook page. Happy Birthday, Alan!


  1. Happy Birthday Alan! I am a daily reader of Dan's and your comments add greatly to the overall info and nostalgic experience. Keep up the good work and many happy returns of the day (as Alfalfa of "Our Gang" fame would sing).

  2. Happy birthday, Alan! You share the day with my mom, who would have been 98 today.

  3. Happy Birthday,Alan! and a Merry Christmas.Always enjoy your comments. Cheers to All!!!

  4. Alan,have a very happy birthday.Your comments on this blog are very much looked forward to.May you share your wisdom with us for many more years to come.

  5. Alan's Birthday?

    Hooray - you get to start on another trip clear around the sun!!!

  6. Thank you, everyone! I look forward to this nostalgic journey with all of you daily, and I wish all of you a Merry Christmas.
