Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Sandstone Monument – Mill Hollow

While down at Mill Hollow last week, I saw something that I'd never noticed before: the sandstone monument shown above. 

A nearby plaque provided an explanation. It read, "This sandstone monument represents the intersection of four of the original sections of Brownhelm Township. Sections 45, 46, 51 and 52 meet here.

You can easily see that intersection on the 1874 Brownhelm Township map below.

Here's a modern view of the same area.

Even though the fall foliage has peaked around here, there's still plenty of color to enjoy on a sunny day. While down at Mill Hollow, I grabbed a few post-peak shots. For a change, I tried some new vistas instead of my usual Bacon House and steel bridge compositions.


  1. Nice post!

    I love comparing old maps to new.

  2. Very interesting - great photos, too!

  3. All would make amazing screensavers. Nice job Dan! With the recent windy days, most of the Fall foliage has fallen.

  4. Glad everyone liked the Mill Hollow shots. It's such a special place and looks incredible in the fall. I was down there almost every day in October, not to take pictures – just to enjoy it.

  5. Dan, Thanks for highlighting this…you know where this sandstone post originally was located? It was a gate post down at Swift’s Hollow. It was later moved to Mill Hollow by the Parks District. In later years, it was sheered off by an ice floe flood (and was mortared back together). One much more damaged post still remains at the Swift homesite. There is a third of which I am also aware.

  6. Great photos, and very interesting, as always.
