Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Barrett's Chapel

While going for a drive down State Route 60 last weekend to enjoy the fall foliage, I noticed this little church all by itself north of New London at Cook Road. Naturally, I had to pull over for a few photos. A sign near the highway read, "Barrett's Chapel – Old Fashioned Bible Church Est. 1876."

So what's the story of this charming chapel?
The church's website provided a history along with some great vintage photographs. It noted, "The story of Barrett’s Chapel really begins with the story of two brothers; Zelotus and Homer Barrett. These two men moved to New London from the Clarksfield area in the early 1800’s. Zelotus settled in the area that is now occupied by the Church and Homer settled in the area at the intersection of Chenango and Fayette Roads. 
"It would seem that Homer was a man of deep convictions. He was involved in the first Baptist church organized in New London; and he also offered the use of his place to baptize those early believers. Zelotus took a little bit different path. He chose to he develop the downtown area. In 1867 he erected the first brick block of stores on what was called Barrett’s Block.  
"From his business ventures though, Zelotus became very wealthy.

"Rev. Wm. B. Mason, who was the pastor of Barrett’s Chapel from 1970-1988, writes this: “Zelotus Barrett, father of William Barrett, come into our community as a pioneer in 1816, bought upland in the Clarksfield New London area. He was a man of distinction in several fields, best known for his generosity toward the poor and the underprivileged. William A. Barrett was born in 1840 – later moved to Kansas; he and his sisters donated the ground for our chapel giving to the community a place of worship. 

"God used both of these men to bring about what is now called Barrett’s Chapel. God used Homer’s deep desire to bring a church to the area north of New London and Zelotus’ wealth to finance the project. 

Photo Circa 1913
Courtesy of Barrett's Chapel
"An article in the New London Record dated July 29, 1875 states “Ground broke for new church at Barrett’s Corner a few days since. The stone and brick are mostly on the lot ready for the workmen who are expected to commence active operations this week or first of next.  

"The first services were held on May 13, 1876. At that time the Chapel was simply known as the Church at Barrett’s Corners. Zelotus passed away on June 29, 1876. So, on Sunday, July 4, 1876 they had an official christening ceremony and dubbed the Church “Barrett’s Chapel” in honor of Zelotus and Homer Barrett. At that time, Barrett’s Chapel was under the authority of the New London Methodist Church. They were responsible for providing the preacher for the pulpit. Usually this was one of the old time circuit riding preachers.

Photo Circa 1913
Courtesy of Barrett's Chapel
"In 1917, the folks decided that they didn’t like being under the authority of the Methodist Church so they set out to become an Independent Church. The Methodist Church didn’t like this, so they went out and chained the doors shut. The Pastor of that day promptly cut the lock and they held services anyway. From that day forward Barrett’s Chapel has been an independent church.

"In the 1950’s the folks decided to dig out a basement in order to have room for Sunday School. They used shovels and wheelbarrows to remove all the dirt. It was a long and tedious job, but their efforts were not in vain. 

"Countless numbers of children have passed through Barrett’s at one point in time learning about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Only eternity will tell how many souls have been saved due to the efforts of these men and women throughout the early years of Barrett’s Chapel."



  1. Now you were in my neck of the woods. Barrett's Chapel is just a few roads from me. My husband worked after retirement w the minister at Miller's grocery in New London. Interesting to see another church on the other side of the road in days gone by.

  2. Hi Rae! I'm sorry but I neglected to include the caption on that photo, it was a school on the other side. Sorry about that!

  3. That's OK. My second look showing my husband I thought maybe not a church. Wouldn't surprise me as there are a few churches dotting the side roads around me.

  4. "Barrett's Chapel – Independent, Fundamental, KJV"

  5. Great post, DB!

    I think we're missing out on names, nowadays.

    Zelotus is pretty danged cool.

    Y'know LoCo's first prosecuting attorney was Melancthon Woolsey Welles.

    But my current favorite is one I saw on a gravestone not too long ago: "Enoch Barnum."
