Monday, October 2, 2023

Reddy and Speedy Ads – October 1, 1950

The weekly Lorain Sunday News always seemed to run a lot of ads for Ohio Edison and the Ohio Fuel Gas Company – perhaps to fill space. Not surprisingly, the October 1, 1950 edition included ads for both of these public utilities that, er, utilized their respective mascots: our pals Reddy Kilowatt and Speedy.

Both of these whimsical representatives has done their bit for the country during World War II (as noted in this post). But it was now the postwar era, so it was time for them to do what they did best: sell.

First up is the ad for Ohio Edison, promoting automatic electric blankets. 

"Why get into a bed that's cold and clammy?" the ad asks. "Why cope with cluttered covers – piles of them? Why sleep restlessly and cramped because you are too hot or two cold – often on the same night?

"Yes, why – when you can sleep better and be more comfortable all night long under just one Automatic Electric Blanket?"
I'm not sure how realistic the illustration is, of the woman in the lacy nightgown adjusting the settings for her electric blanket. No cartoonish hair curlers or cold cream there. But the sumptuous surroundings are marred somewhat by the framed, embroidered sign that reads, "SLEEP WELL UNDER AN ELECTRIC BLANKET." But Reddy is there in the ad to signal his approval.
In this case, I'm with Reddy. I use my electric blanket all year long, although mine didn't cost $317 – the 2023 equivalent (with inflation) of 1950's $24.95 price.
Next up is the ad with Speedy Gas Flame.
As someone who watches GRIT TV every night, I like this ad, with Speedy all duded up and promoting automatic gas ranges.

The ad copy encourages the reader to "get rid of your beat-up old cookstove during the Old Stove Round-Up." It wisely avoids a potential "range war" with Reddy and his gang by not directly attacking the electric variety.
Anyway, it's good to see both mascots having adjusted to peacetime activities.
But I wonder what Willing Water and Willie Wiredhand were up to at that time?


  1. That first ad is pretty dadgum racy for the 1950s. That young woman is showing far too much skin!

    I use an electric blanket much of the year, too, but I have mine turned sideways so it only heats my legs and feet. The rest of me can heat itself, it seems.

    I never heard of a gas stove that would turn itself off, but I'm not much of an expert on such things. Ours has a delayed start, but I don't know about any hard finish.

  2. I've never had much luck with electric blankets. They seem to lose their will to heat up after a while. Maybe if I found one that cost $317 it would be more reliable.

    That woman is kinda racy for 1950. If she wore more duds she won't be so cold at night.

  3. That is a pretty risque drawing of that lady for 1950.Don Draper wouldn't have published it only 5 short years from the end of the war.

  4. Hubba Hubba. If I may be so bold.
