Tuesday, October 10, 2023

O'Neil - Sheffield Center – Then & Now

Last week, I did a post about the former O'Neil - Sheffield Shopping Center. Above is a vintage photo that I've posted before. It's from the archives of the Lorain County Historical Society. 

The "O'Neil's" name is still on its building, so the photo is likely pre-1967 (the year May Company took over the store). There appears to be Christmas decorations in the grassy courtyard.

Over the weekend, I happened to be out at the Centre of Sheffield (shopping at Marc's) and took this photo (below) with the trusty iPhone. It shows the changes that occurred when the shopping center was redeveloped and a portion of the west wing was torn down.

At least the canopy and pole supports have survived.


  1. The newest cars in the first photo appear to be c1953-54, so it's an early image.

  2. Wow... The early '50s!

    Over in rural Pennsyltucky, we didn't see this sort of plaza until the late-'60s, early 70s.

    But such things still decimated our downtowns, too -- only a decade or so later -- and themselves are now mostly abandoned or seriously degraded.

  3. Nashes,Kaisers,Fords,Chevrolets.Maybe a Hudson coming toward the photographer.I see nothing but good old fashioned American iron in this photo.

  4. And in the 2nd photo I see nothing but closed businesses and foreign cars.It makes sense that the two go hand in hand.

  5. Is the Sheffield center owned by the same group that previously owned the Midway Mall?

  6. I don't recall ever reading about any sort of connection between the owners of Midway Mall (remember one was an Australian company?) and the company that owned/owns the Centre of Sheffield shopping center.

  7. The car on the far right side of the photo is a 1955 Chevy 2 door sedan.So this photo is at least from 1955-1956.
