Thursday, July 27, 2023

American Ship Building Moves Offices to Lorain – July 1963

Sixty years ago this month, the full page ad 'welcoming aboard' American Shipbuilding Co. to Lorain appeared in the Lorain Journal on July 18, 1963. 

What was the occasion? 

As an article (above) in the July 16, 1963 edition explained, "The American Ship Building Company formally "moves" into its new Lorain offices Friday.

"The transition, which has been underway for some time, will be accomplished with a minimum of fanfare, according to William Trace, yard manager, although the observance is of considerable significance to Lorain.

"In moving its general offices from Cleveland to Lorain, the company indicated that it would be in a position to better coordinate, promote and expedite operations in the company's largest shipyard.

"Finishing touches are being made to the new $270,000 building which will accommodate the company's engineering, purchasing, estimating, accounting and management personnel. 

"No community-wide open house has been scheduled, but customers and special guests from the Lorain area have been invited to stop in for a visit on Friday.

"The modern, two-story office building is equipped with the latest in lighting, air conditioning and other features, and is located on the west side of Colorado Ave. just north of the ASB structure that houses the employment office."


It's still hard to believe that twenty years later in December 1983, it would all be over.


  1. The Vatican sure had alot of weird ideas about sex.They also sound like a bunch of hypocrites the way they had all of those Catholic Church abuse scandals that they tried to cover up throughout the years.It's like today with Joe Biden and his "rules for thee but not for me" mentality.

  2. Political pot-shots, in this place, is akin to describing a venereal disease to your Nonna. Especially when done anonymously. Besides, I don't see Sleepy Joe encouraging an insurrection.

    The statement that the shipyards closing could've been announced / completed "after Christmas" caught my attention. It always struck me as particularly cold-hearted to end employment before or in the middle of the holiday season, but I sure saw lots of it during my time in corporate America. Then, again, firing a person before the start of the new year sure makes bookkeeping a lot simpler.

  3. A blog like this is bound to become political.Life is political.People walk down a street and that is political.You go into City Hall and the way the employees look at you is political.The way the police look at you and treat you is political.By the way some people respond to comments on this blog you can get a better understanding of how people think about politics.I like to read all the comments.And I respect everyone's opinion as long as they are civil.I've
    personally never seen a curse word on this blog.Maybe constructive criticism,but that's political too.Who really cares if responses are posted anonymously or with some made up name or with a real name?In todays dangerously unfriendly political climate,some people fear repercussions if they post their name.Some people do not like when other people do not completely agree with them 100%,no questions asked you better agree with me or else type thought process!And that is politically dangerous.And it shouldn't be that way.

  4. Obama/Harris 2024!!!

  5. I heartily disagree, Anonymous.

    Nothing is "bound" to become political unless people choose to make it so.

    This is not a political blog. Our mutual friend, Dan Brady, is scrupulous about not making it so. I have no idea of his politics and he works very hard to keep it that way, that's why I honor his intent. Political non sequiturs that are obviously intended to "stir things up" are turds in a punchbowl in this place. They make others shy away and not comment, and make others leave and never come back.

    Not owning your statements is a cop-out, plain and simple. Being able to make any comment without taking responsibility is one of the things that makes much of the Internet a horrible and polarizing place. I, and others, come here to escape such things. I'm not going to speak for the others but pains me to see a party of one so capriciously and purposefully take advantage of anonymity to screw it up for the rest of us.

    1. I sometimes disagree with you, and I certainly am guilty of firing a political dart now and then. We do agree on this; if you're in the place, show your face.

  6. ...Dad worked at AmShip from when we moved to Lorain in 1964, and turned the lights off in Engineering. Without getting into the details, AmShip should have survived for years afterwards.
