Thursday, June 1, 2023

Reddy for Air Conditioning – June 4, 1963

When I got home from work yesterday, the temperature in my condo was more than 80º, so I caved. Yup, I turned on the old AC. I hated to turn it on so early in the season, but I just don't look good in a mustache – a sweat mustache, that is.

So it's a good time to post this Ohio Edison ad, which ran in the Lorain Journal back on June 4, 1963 – sixty years ago this month. Our old pal Reddy Kilowatt is on hand to promote his cool, clean electric air conditioning. And of course, it's flameless. (I didn't know there was any other kind!)

The ad is definitely of its early 1960s timeframe, by the way in which it shows a woman sleeping better, feeling better and working better with electric air conditioning. I guess she's single (judging by her sleeping arrangement, unless she and her spouse enjoy The Dick Van Dyke Show style twin beds). 'Feeling better' apparently means having a bounce in her step coming down the stairs. And of course, 'working' back then meant kitchen duties, as opposed to a work from home computer or call center job.

Of course, here in the 2000s, nobody needs to be convinced to buy air conditioning – flameless or otherwise. It's one of the few things I can't live without. I'm bummed, however, that Reddy's old employer is about to sock it to those of us who still get our electricity from them with a major rate hike just in time for summer.


  1. DAN!

    There are propane air conditioners. Reported to be 30% more efficient than 'lectricity.

    There are also propane fridges. You see that kind of stuff most often in RV-land where Reddy's iron grip slacks to allow freedom.


  2. Call me unlettered if you will, but I still don't understand how gas does some of this stuff, AC and such.
    You want heat, Dan, come here to Texas in about a month or so.

  3. My dad worked for the gas company back in the day (late ‘40s thru early ‘90s). He started out working on commercial gas A/Cs. We also had a natural gas fridge when I was very young. How did gas cool the air? Magic! 😁

  4. Comedian George Gobel told about the time the gas company wanted to sponsor his TV show. As a bonus they offered to give him the gas appliance of his choice. He asked for a gas guitar...

  5. I like coming here for the info Dan provides, but lately the comments are winning over. Thanks "Anonymous" for this gem,"Bidens war on home appliances"!


  6. "Anonymous" - you are well aware that any legislature requires a vote so get out of here with your 'sky is falling crap'. Joe is not the all powerful, all seeing OZ that can just snap his fingers and make law. Keep the political comments out of here. He lives rent free in your head so just keep him there.

  7. Notice that the anonymous poster stated (Joe Biden wants to change).They didnt say that it was gospel.So I looked it up and yes that is true plus Joe wants to regulate gas dryers,gas ovens,washing machines,refrigerators,toasters,every type of appliance that uses gas and electricity is under review from Mr. Biden.Im not taking any chances,I already ordered a new 25,000 BTU Air conditioner from Home Depot at todays cheaper price.Thank you anonymous man.
