Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Sandy's Becomes Hardees – May 1973

Sandy's Hamburgers
has been a favorite topic on this blog since its beginning.
Why? Because it was very likely the first fast food my family ever had, since it was only a few minutes away on Oberlin Avenue. The burgers tasted very much like McDonald's, which isn't surprising since the chain was founded by some ex-McDonald's executives.

But all good things come to an end. Seemingly after only a few years in Lorain, Sandy's was taken over by Hardee's – and it just wasn't the same. 

Maybe it was the loss of Sandy's cute Scottish lassie with the tam o'shanter, which lent a friendly face to the proceedings. Or perhaps it was the name change. "Sandy's" sounds much more friendly and personal than the nondescript "Hardee's."

Nevertheless, the change happened – and here's how the company notified the customers in the Lorain area. The ad below appeared in the Journal on May 3, 1973.

It's a clever ad. But charco-broiled or not, the burgers didn't taste the same – or as good, at least to me.

But it really didn't matter that much to my family, since we weren't eating there anyway. For years, Dad grilled out hamburgers almost every Saturday night, so we didn't eat fast food burgers very often. The only exception were the occasional Whoppers from Burger King on Leavitt Road.
The Hardee's on Meister Road lasted until the end of the 1980s. Today, the closest Hardee's is down on State Route 83 near beautiful downtown Burbank, Ohio.
Anyway, you know you're getting old when you talk about something like Sandy's that almost nobody else remembers.


  1. I used to stop in at Sandy's/Hardee's on my rambling around town nights. I missed the cute Scottish lass, but I liked Cass Elliot singing the Hardee's jingle.

  2. Dan - You're right about the taste of the burgers, but I do miss the Huskee Jr. Sandy's fries and a Yala's pizza. Taste combo that can't be beat! Todd
    PS Alas, I am old enough to remember Sandy's and just about everything else on your blog.

  3. "PS Alas, I am old enough to remember Sandy's and just about everything else on your blog." On the bright side you are still young enough to remember all of it.

  4. "Who needs cocktail parties?
    Baby you need Hardee's"
    That was a cool little jingle featuring Mama Cass.Didn't Mama Cass choke to death on a hamburger?I wonder if it was a Hardee's sandwich?

  5. Ms. Cass died of an obesity-related heart attack, however...

  6. Wasn’t there a Hardee’s somewhere in Lorain that was round? Seems like I remember as a kid the kitchen was in the center of the restaurant, maybe I’m imagining that…

  7. I remember going to a round restaurant with a kitchen in the middle. I do know there was the one in the first floor Elyria Higbeee's but it seems like there was another one somewhere else.

  8. Yes.The Higbee's restaurant was sunken in the ground if I remember and you would walk down into it.Plus Higbee's had their other restaurant upstairs too.Kinda like the upstairs was a ritzy one and the downstairs one was for the everyday average poor folk.
