Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Jay's Sparkle Anniversary Ad – May 2, 1963

April 1962 photo from the Journal
Here's a full-page ad from the May 2, 1963 Journal promoting the one-year anniversary of Jay's Sparkle Market at its location at W. 38th and Oberlin Avenue in Lorain.

Previously, Frank J. Jursinski's grocery store was one of the pioneering businesses on the corner of Meister Road and Oberlin Avenue. It's been the subject of many posts on this blog.

It's unfortunate that even as the store was celebrating its anniversary at the new location, it was being picketed (as noted on Monday's post). 

The store didn't last long at that location, becoming part of the Meyer Goldberg chain in 1965.


As usual, it's interesting to see what products were on sale.

Right away, I saw "3-Lb. Can of SPRY," which I'd never heard of. A quick Googling revealed Spry was vegetable shortening – a Crisco competitor. I'm not sure what the name signifies.

I noticed the illustration of the jar of Kraft Miracle Whip, a key ingredient in our Brady homemade sandwich spreads that we made with ham, baloney (or bologna if you prefer) and tuna fish. There's also Hills Brothers – the Brady favorite coffee. 

Lastly, the ad included a small blurb about Sparky the Clown making an appearance, apparently named for the store. I guess they forgot about this guy (below).

1 comment:

  1. One definition of "spry" is to be full of life for one's age; I 'm pretty sure they weren't going for that.
