Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Windmill Along Route 58 – April 1953

Mention the word 'windmill' to most people, and they probably think of one turning in the breeze, with little Dutch kids clonking around in wooden shoes in front of it.

A Lorainite might even think of the bladeless windmill on Kolbe Road, which serves as a residence and was sold last year.

Well, here's another form of windmill that used to be a common sight on farms. The photo appeared in the Lorain Journal back on April 3, 1953.

The caption notes, "VANISHING AMERICAN – The Indian isn't the only phase of America and the American way of life to be rated as "vanishing." The windmill is gradually joining that same parade. The stately towers which provided water pumping power and in some cases helped generate electricity are becoming a comparative rarity on present day farms.

"The one shown above is located along Route 58 between the Oberlin city limits and Route 20 on the east side of the road."
The photo from the Journal is rather sad, with the windmill looking dejected in retirement. I think the blades are on the ground in front of it.
(No, I didn't drive out there to see if it was still there, rusting in the field.)
And here's a photo of one in a little better shape (courtesy of Pinterest).


  1. Not sure who was in charge of continuity on that edition, but they need training. The section of that sheet above the fold is a disaster!

  2. Hi Don!
    Sorry about the confusion, that is just my cropping of the page so you could see the photo where it appeared. It left odds and ends of most of the surrounding articles with the result that they make no sense - sorry!

  3. Thanks for 'splaining, Dan.

    I thought I was having a stroke!

