Friday, April 28, 2023

Saddle Inn Article – April 26, 1965

To close out the week (and April as well), here's another one of those advertisements masquerading as a news article that the Journal used to feature under the heading of "Lorain County Business and Industrial Review." It appeared in the Journal on April 26, 1965 and promotes the Saddle Inn, located in the shopping center in Avon Lake on Lake Road. (I've inserted a similar photo of the too-dark vintage one in my transcription below.)

It reads, "The story of the historic Saddle Inn, Avon Lake's famous restaurant and tavern, might well be captioned, "from carbarns to canapés."
"The handsome building of today was once the storage barn for the interurban streetcars that traveled between Cleveland and Toledo.
"The building, erected in 1893, has been, since 1939, the center of hospitality in the most pleasant of atmospheres for people from all over the world.
"The Saddle Inn offers more than a gourmet meal and accommodations to industry and business for conferences, luncheons, dinners and social occasions. Also available are motel accommodations which are not only comfortable but plush.
"The decor of the Saddle Inn's interior has changed little, despite the fire that struck the building in September, 1957. The building, as it is today, is the result of the modernization program that followed the fire. However, the Saddle Inn retained its charm and historic flavor, and today patrons may still sit in the saddles which form the bar stools, and gaze on the antiques which commands their attentions.
"These include the saber taken from a British officer at the Battle of Bunker Hill, and a more than 200-year-old scale model of the Santa Maria, flagship of Christopher Columbus' tiny fleet.
"Notables from all over the world stop at the Saddle Inn Motel. The motel registry reads like a map of the world, with far-off places like Japan, Australia, South Africa, Republic of Panama, Pakistan, Alaska and India appearing often.
"Host and Hostess of the Saddle Inn are Mr. and Mrs. Phil Tanner – known to almost everyone as Phil and Audre. Together, they create an atmosphere of congenial friendliness that is hard to match. Their long experience in the restaurant and tavern business assures all who stop at "The Saddle" of the best possible experience in dining out.
"The Saddle Inn, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary in May, today stands as the hub of a large shopping center, which includes a variety of shops and stores."
The former Saddle Inn building today
The Saddle Inn has been the subject of numerous posts on this blog over the years.
To learn more about the Saddle's Inn's previous life as the Beach Park station of the Lake Shore Electric, click here to visit the Lake Shore Rail Maps website.

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