Thursday, April 6, 2023

Rusine's Easter Ad – March 28, 1953

While many of us grew up looking forward to lots of Faroh's Candies in our Easter baskets, there's another brand that's been synonymous with the holiday: Russell Stover. The individually wrapped candies were always well-represented in our baskets.

One of the stores that carried the Russell Stover line of sweets was Rusine's, at 822 Broadway. According to the ad above, which ran in the Journal on March 28, 1953, apparently there was some sort of exclusive arrangement.

Click here to visit the Wiki page on Russell Stover, which has an interesting history of the company. Did you know that it got started right out of the Stover home? The company website is fun to explore at as well, with no calories gained by merely looking.

Anyway, Rusine's has been a recurring topic on this blog, with several posts devoted to the store.

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