Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Jackie Snips a Ribbon – Feb. 28, 1963

Sixty years ago, Miss Jacqueline Mayer of Sandusky was reigning as Miss America of 1963. As part of wearing the crown, she had plenty of duties and special appearances. That included the ribbon cutting ceremony shown above for the dedication of the new Springs Mills Building in New York.

The photo appeared on the front page of the Journal on February 28, 1963 – sixty years ago today.

According to this Wiki entry, the Springs Mills Building is a 21-story office building in Manhattan, New York City. "The company was the United States' largest manufacturer of bedsheets and pillow cases when the Springs Mills Building was built," the Wiki article noted. "The Springs Mills Building opened in February 1963, coinciding with the company's 75th anniversary. A ten-day celebration with a fashion show and an art-and-photography exhibit was held."

With a fashion show as part of the celebration, it sounds like it was appropriate to have Miss America there to cut the ribbon.

During her reign as Miss America, Jacqueline Mayer was so beautiful and classy. It's a shame that times have changed so much in the last sixty years that it's somehow inappropriate or sexist to celebrate those qualities in the woman chosen to be a goodwill ambassador of our country. 


  1. Yes,I agree Dan.Men are not allowed anymore to give something as innocent as a compliment to women.Don't ever say she looks good in an outfit for fear of being accused of rape some 40 odd years later.Men have learned to look and admire from afar and then give their compliment to the invisible person who isn't there like when Joe Biden tries to shake hands with the thin air.

    1. Come to Texas, laddie; complimenting ladies of all ages, hues, and dispositions is an Olympic sport here.

  2. It's so bad and scary that I just look the other way completely.And that includes if a lady is having a mishap I won't let her know.Like if she has lipstick on her teeth or if her skirt is tucked into her stockings after she comes out of the ladies room.I will just go about my business.But I pity the fool who tells her because it might come back to haunt him later.

  3. Dan,it seems that every one is afraid to comment on this topic.Like a sore spot has been hit.Maybe some of the ladies would like to chime in,as technically it's about them and the beauty of women.I think people would like to hear some of their opinions.
