Friday, February 3, 2023

Grand Opening of Amherst Foodliner – Feb. 1, 1963

Well, the weekend is here – and many of us that are willing to brave the cold will follow our natural instincts as food gatherers and head out to the grocery store.

Sixty years ago, a brand new option for groceries was the Amherst Foodliner, located on the corner of Milan and Quarry Roads. Above is the Grand Opening ad that appeared in the Journal on February 1, 1963.

Described in the ad not-so-humbly as "the greatest achievement in retailing history," the store boasted discounted prices on more than 1500 items." Free Prizes were also advertised, but were curiously not listed.

I'm not sure when the store became branded as an IGA outlet. 'IGA Foodliner' stores seem to have been fairly common in Ohio and around the country.

I never shopped regularly at this store, but was in there a few times to grab a few items during rides out in the country. After the IGA closed, a fire damaged the store while it was being remodeled as a new La Plaza Grocery store in Feb. 2021.

Here's a Google Maps view, circa 2021.


  1. Interesting that the mobile home park located directly behind the building were the developers of this plaza. Also, an incredible bit of luck to have the first 3 tenants of the new building remain there for an unusually long time - 50+ years. Nowadays, your lucky to get a new business to last more than 5 years.

  2. Foodliner sounds like a nameplate for a car or train.Like a Ford Sunliner or Starliner.Studebaker had a Sunliner too.Amtrak had Superliner sleepers.
