Sunday, December 25, 2022

Merry Christmas!

Full-page Lorain Telephone Journal Ad
from Dec. 24, 1962

Here's wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year! Thanks for stopping by here each day to see what's been posted, and to read all the great comments left by our jolly gang of contributors, old and new. 

I'm planning on taking my usual holiday break from daily posting until just before New Year's Eve. That will give me some time to enjoy the season, and also work on some behind-the-scenes preparation for some long-delayed posts (such as the Pueblo, Aqua Marine Resort, Don Hilton's new book and many others). 

Of course, I'll probably be unable to resist the odd post here and there. (Actually, they're all a little odd.) We'll see. But I'll be back in time to post the annual grisly "Don't drink and drive" New Year's Eve effort.

Anyway, here's a full-page retelling of the Christmas story as it appeared in the Journal on December 24, 1972. That's Gene Patrick's well-remembered, classic artwork decorating the page, which includes a photograph of the Nativity scene in the window of Reidy-Scanlan Furniture on Broadway. 


  1. Merry Christmas to you and yours Dan! Your time capsules are very enjoyable. I was just telling my dad that I wish so much that we’d have taken some Super 8 film of things from back then. In the moment we rarely imagine that someday we’ll be older and be interested in seeing something as mundane as the interior of Gray Drug, Meyer Goldberg’s, Fisher-Fazio’s, the carnival rides at St. John’s Church or the Christmas and Easter candy wonderland at Faroh’s with that cool door with the jewel-toned colored windows.

  2. Merry Christmas to you too, and I'm glad you enjoy the blog! And that's a good observation about not knowing at the time that those things would be gone eventually, and that we'd be interested in seeing a photo or film footage of them someday. The good news is that sometimes someone did take a photo, and they upload them on Facebook on one of those Lorain pages for everyone to enjoy!

  3. My father bought a Super 8 camera back in "68.And he would video most of our birthdays and especially Christmas celebrations with our family.And a few trips "out west" were spliced into "movies".Not much of downtown Lorain though.But he did film some of the snowy winters in Lorain and some of his "62 Impala SS with snow tires on it sitting alongside his brand new for "68 Chevy Caprice 2 dr hardtop.I transfered all of the film onto DVDs a few years back.It's cool to break out the ancient DVDs now and watch the even more ancient 8 MM home movies.Merry Christmas everybody.

  4. Merry CHRIST -mas to everyone "up home", and stay warm.

  5. Gosh, I forgot about that door at Faroh's. I'd love to see that again.

