Friday, December 30, 2022

Happy New Year From the Ontario Store – Dec. 29, 1962

The Ontario Super Mart (or Ontario Discount Department Store, as it was later known) seems to be fondly remembered by many. Not just in the Lorain area – where the chain started out at 1922 Broadway in 1958 and later moved to Elyria Avenue and State Route 254 – but in Cincinnati, Columbus and Cleveland as well, thanks to expansion. 

Click here to read a nice history of the chain, and its acquisition in 1964 by the organization that would become Cook United. For the local angle, here's the article that appeared in the Journal on Sept. 22, 1964. (Note that Cook also owned Pick-n-Pay, the subject of yesterday's post.)

But that was still a few years away, when the full-page New Year's themed-ad below appeared in the Lorain Journal on Dec. 29, 1962.

It's a great ad, designed to keep the store in the minds of Lorainites despite the move outside city limits, halfway to Elyria.

My original post on the Ontario Store in 2011 continues to be a popular online destination for people who remember Ontario and the various rebranding it went through here and around Ohio. By 2020, there were more than 40 great comments left on the original 2011 blog post; currently there are more than 60, and there's no sign of slowing down.
Lorain used to be a great place to launch a business, as it was the home of several original stores that led to the creation of regional chains. Besides Ontario, there was Muir's, and Kline's
Of course, that made their eventually closings even more bittersweet.

1 comment:

  1. We were definitely an “Ontario”
    family, as we lived close to Elyria Avenue and it was conveniently located, and I remember it having a good selection coupled with affordable prices. But the store that sticks out most in my memory is Zayre’s. Why? Because our phone number was only one digit off from the store’s number. We would get wrong number calls all the time. At first, we were annoyed by the constant calls. But at some point, we learned to have fun with it by answering whatever question the caller might have, just making things up, telling them the store
    was closing in 20 minutes so they’d better hurry, giving outrageously low prices on sale items… whatever we could think of. It was sort of reverse prank calling, and my whole family got in on it, so I’ll drag them all under the bus here. In hindsight, it was wrong. But it turned annoying wrong number calls into fun.
    On behalf of my entire family- if you ever called Zayre’s department store and we gave you the wrong (but very funny) information- I sincerely apologize.
    Charlie Marko
