Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Goodbye Summer, Welcome Teachers – Sept. 4, 1962

Although school is already in session for many (if not most) districts, for decades it wasn't until after Labor Day that kids had to start the new school year.

Back in 1962 that was the case, and the Journal preceded the school year with this full page ad welcoming the new teachers in the Lorain area schools. The ad appeared in the paper on Sept. 4, 1962.

As usual, the fun is looking at the list of sponsors to see which companies and organizations are still around in some form. Predictably, only the successors to the banks and the phone company live on in 2022.

In case you're wondering (like me) what those vertical graphics are that are separating the sponsors from the "If We Had No Teachers" ad copy, they aren't pencil stubs or Tootsie Rolls. Whoever designed the ad placed those 'chalkboard graphics' spelling out "'reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic' (with an apple next to each) up and down instead of horizontally, where they might have made sense.

1 comment:

  1. September of 1962 I was going into Second Grade at Boone, Mrs. Kretchman, for anyone who might remember.
