Friday, August 26, 2022

1962 Lorain County Fair Wrap-up – August 25, 1962

The 1962 Lorain County Fair was a big success, according to this article, which ran on the front page of the Journal back on August 25, 1962. It just didn't hit the magic 100,000 mark.

"All roads seemed to lead to this Southern Lorain County village Friday evening as thousands paid a last visit to the 107th Lorain County Fair, but the estimated attendance of 24,200 was not enough to bring the five-day gate total to 100,000.

"According to daily attendance figures, the fair attracted 99,354 persons this year, the second largest attendance on record. In 1958 the total five-day attendance was 100,000. Last year, 95,000 visitors paid their way to the fair.

"Although fair officials Friday morning were reasonably confident that the final day's attendance would boost the grand total above the 100,000 mark, they began to feel somewhat apprehensive about it by mid-afternoon when the number of visitors on the grounds was decidedly less than Wednesday and Thursday.

"Last night's crowd, however, was one of the largest single gatherings in recent years.

"The International Tournament of Thrills, an auto daredevil show always a favorite of local fairgoers, presented two performances to capacity grandstand audiences and hundreds lined the fences to witness their thrilling feats.

"The midway was a teeming mass of humanity throughout the evening and many visitors remained on the grounds until midnight."

I like that 'teeming mass of humanity' description. Anyone who has visited the Fair on a beautiful weekend night knows it's the perfect way to describe trying to squeeze through the crowds by the midway.

Anyway, the photo at the top of the article is great, with some kids at the Fair enjoying a real life "Mr. Ed" speaking to them by name (via hidden microphone). It's heartwarming to see the glee and innocence in their faces.

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