Friday, July 15, 2022

Condolences to Alan Hopewell

In case you missed it, our good friend and longtime blog contributor Alan Hopewell lost his beloved wife Tracy about a week ago. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Alan during this difficult time.

Alan shared his reminisce about how he and Tracy first met on this 2019 post. "In 2006, a friend suggested that I get a Yahoo account to help with finding a job. Soon, I had the email addresses of several family members.

"One afternoon, I was at the Main Library in Cleveland, and I was going to send a still from a monster movie to my younger brother, who's also a horror fan. Well, I messed up, and wound up sending the email to everyone on my list. When I checked my emails the next day, there was a message from a cousin, telling me about a website that dealt in nostalgia, movies, comics, toys, like that.

"I signed up, and began getting into discussions with other members, including a lady who went by the name Beatles 4Ever. She intrigued me from the beginning, and I looked forward to talking to her online. She told me about herself: her real name (Tracy), where she was from (Whitney, Texas), and other things that became a lovely conversation. Posts becoming emails, emails becoming eCards, which turned into phone calls, which became long, long letters, etc.

"We both realized that we had to do something about this.

"Summer of '08, she spent a weekend with me in Cleveland, and after several months of missing each other, we decided I'd come to Texas, to be with her, and to escape the North Coast winters. I've never regretted it, and I don't see that I ever will."

Alan's strong faith will help see him through this sad time. We look forward to more of his great observations and reminisces here on the blog.


  1. My sincerest condolences to you Alan.

  2. Alan,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Yours and Tracy's story was beautiful to read about. May God give you strength and comfort during this time.

    I have always enjoyed reading your comments on Dan's posts. It always reminds me of my growing up in Vermilion. I hope to read you again soon.

  3. Alan,

    I am very sorry to hear of your loss.

  4. The Word speaks of a peace that passes all understanding; I have this. I know where she is, and that I'll see Tracy again.Thank all of you. Do me a favor, all of you; if you haven't talked to someone in a while, call, email, drop in on them,and let them know you care.


  5. My condolences, Alan. Your stories of growing up in Lorain are always interesting. You are our ambassador to Texas!

  6. Alan,

    Let me add my sincere best wishes to you in this difficult time.

    May Tracy rest in peace.

  7. My condolences, Alan.


  8. So sorry to hear of your loss. Heartfelt condolences.

  9. Sincere condolences Alan. I really enjoy reading your observations and memories, but please keep on truckin'. We'll miss you if you don't!

  10. My condolences Alan. Always enjoy your comments. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  11. I am so sorry Alan , we changed out our land line. Anyway my thoughts are with you , stay strong Loraine

  12. Sorry for your loss, Alan. May she rest in peace.
