Thursday, June 30, 2022

New Lorain Yacht Club Building – June 30, 1951

Back in June 1951, the Lorain Yacht Club was drawing up plans for a new building.

Above is the article that appeared in the Lorain Journal back on June 30, 1951. The article notes, "A new Lorain Yacht club building will decorate Lorain's waterfront area in the near future, according to an announcement made today by Don Heisner, commodore of the club.

"The announcement came after it was learned that the club had purchased land on Alabama-av from the Todd estate.

"The acre of ground purchased, a lot 150 feet wide by 200 feet deep, sets on high ground above Riverside park near the coast guard station.

"Architect's plans have already been drawn and officers of the club hope to start building operations as soon as the present war emergency ban on non-essential building is lifted.

"The new clubhouse, very nautical in design, will include a big sundeck, a dining or assembly room, showers for men and women, a club room, bar commodore's office, kitchen and other facilities. It will be approximately 70 feet wide by about 50 feet deep, leaving plenty of room for parking for club members, according to Heisner.

"The present yacht club, located at the foot of Oberlin-av, at the rear of the Lorain water works, was started in the mid-1920's with club members themselves erecting the four walls, roof and floor.

"It is understood that plans are now underway to sell the present yacht club but as yet nothing definite has been done, Heisner said."


I've written a lot about the original Yacht Club building that was located down at Hot Waters. I hated to see it demolished, as it was a link to Lorain's nautical past. 

Ironically, the newer Yacht Club building on Alabama Ave. mentioned in the above article was torn down before the original one.

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