Thursday, May 5, 2022

New Lorain Plaza Shopping Center Map – May 10, 1956

Most of us that grew up on the west side of Lorain in the 1960s and 70s spent a lot of time at the Lorain Plaza Shopping Center. 

It was where our mothers bought the weekly groceries at A&P or Kroger; where she picked up the dry cleaning; where some of us banked (at the Lorain National Branch); where we first encountered a large drug store chain (Revco); where we looked at the pet turtles for sale at W. T. Grant; and even where some of us first went to the Lorain Public Library (at its branch there). 

I'm sure you have your own pleasant memories of shopping there through the years.

Anyway, back in May of 1956, the shopping center was not yet under construction. But its location was featured on a map included down at the bottom of the front page of the Lorain Journal of May 10th.

The map (created with type from a typewriter) is pretty interesting. It shows how the shopping center was perfectly located for the numbered streets off Oberlin Avenue that were there at that time, as well as the many more to come in the next few years as farmland turned into developments.

Note that the football stadium (not yet renamed George Daniel Field) was still called Recreation Field. 
Above the map is a story of the continuation of the Beaver Creek legal fracas.


  1. Who in Lorain in 1956 would have thought that Growth & Optimism would be nostalgic in 2022?!!

  2. I didn't know they had a Lorain library branch in the plaza....Where was its location?...And when did it close?

    1. It faced Oberlin Ave next to the dry cleaners near the south end.

  3. The Lorain Public Library branch at Lorain Plaza wasn't there very long in the mid-1960s; I don't have an exact timeline for it but will post it here when I do.

    It was at 3317 Oberlin Avenue and was more or less next to where Hallmark Cleaners was located, facing Oberlin Avenue.

  4. This is completely off topic as I don't see you have ever mentioned this place other than maybe the road it is on. I didn't even realize where this business was located until after I made the purchase on Etsy but I immediately thought of you when I saw Elyria, Ohio as the address for Fowl's Farm Market on the cherry butter I bought from them...which is darn good. I don't know if that means anything to you but I thought it was nice to send a little money into the area that you love so much and make so entertaining to read about even for people like me that never lived there.

  5. Although I've driven by Fowl's Farm Market on State Route 113 many times, I've never stopped – probably because in the past it never seemed to be open when I was passing by, plus I'm a regular customer of another farm market in the area. But I'll make it a point to stop there on your recommendation!

    (I have to admit, I've always been amused by the name of their business. I imagined an ad slogan: "Try Our Home-Grown Produce! You'll Never Forget That Fowl Taste!"
