Thursday, May 26, 2022

"Miss Victory" From the Back – May 1956

Here's something you don't see everyday: a view of Lorain's iconic "Miss Victory" statue (a favorite topic on this blog) from the back.

The photo ran on the front page of the Lorain Journal back on May 26, 1956 – 66 years ago today. As noted in the caption, "Lorain Park Department workers (left to right) Rodney Hale, foreman; John Ceol and James Camera planted geraniums, dwarf marigolds and a border of blue ageratum this morning at the World War I veterans' monument at Fifth St. and West Erie Ave. All veterans's monuments and markers in the city will be beautified before Memorial Day."

It's kind of nice to remember when Lorain used to proudly maintain its parks using its own workers. 

Today, Lakeview Park and Century Park/Harbor House are operated by the Lorain County Metro Parks. And the park at Fifth Street and West Erie – which celebrated its 100th anniversary in early April – is owned by the Lorain Finance and Port Authority.

Unfortunately, additional flag poles have been erected that dwarf Miss Victory, and destroy the quaint, contemplative nature of the park. 

Courtesy Google Maps



  1. There's still the mystery of the original "V", who erected it, and when.

  2. I lived directly across from the park on the south side of 5th st until 1985.Each memorial day at 6am a squad of Veterans fired their m1s in respect to the fallen.Always woke me for a few seconds and then i would remember what day it was.BTW I think its time that I should solve the mystery of the V , as I was involved with its demise and rebirth.STAY TUNED.......Harrison B

    1. In 1985-86, I lived in the green house at the eastern end of the park; I could see Miss Victory and the "V" from my bedroom window.

  3. Mr. Brady…
    Sometimes I suspect you’re an old codger who can’t brook change!

  4. The flagpoles add nothing to the memorial. Did they have a surplus laying around? Lowest maintenance thing they could come up with? More landscaping would look much nicer than more poles.

  5. I could see Victory from my bedroom window on West Erie!!

  6. I drove by there the other day and was happy to see the park looking well-maintained. Sure it could look better, but when you consider that the city was recently planning to sell the land and dump the memorial at Lake View because it was "too expensive" to maintain, I think it looked great.

    On a side note, I got a tour of several new businesses and buildings being restored/renovated on Broadway and it was great to see. The new businesses are beautiful and unique and doing well. Some of the buildings that are still in progress are going to be jaw dropping. So much potential on Broadway and a good group of people putting in their own money and hard work to revitalize it. If you haven't been down there lately go check it out when you have the chance, and support the local small businesses. That's what will carry Lorain into the future.

  7. The true story of the mystery of the "V".... A Sunday afternoon in June 1980 .I left my house on south side of 5th st,across from the Victory Park, driving west on 5th st to go to lakeview park to check the lake for a swim.At that time driving west to Erie ave was open for traffic.At the 3 way intersection I had the green light and passed halfway through when I WAS hit by a car going full speed east. He hit the left rear of the my Corolla , spun the car 180 degrees and his car going full speed slammed directly into the V. His car was like perched up on the V.I was startled and fortunately ok.His car was almost upright on top of the V.He was an older gent and may have been ill while driving. I walked a few yards to my front steps for a rest
    . As the accident was his fault i assumed his insurance paid for the construction of the new V which is what we have today.Which was built i think a few months later.42years is a long time to recall details but i was fortunate that my light car just spun out and older driver i guess recovered. never heard any details. THE Corolla was a dealer loaner car and i think they junked it. NOW you know the rest of the story

  8. Hi Harrison,

    Thanks for leaving your comment about the "Big V." I knew that the original monument had been hit by a car and pretty much destroyed but I had no time frame – so this helps. I'll see if I can find an article about the accident or when it was replaced (by Baldo Campana as I've been told) and see if there is any information as to when the original V was installed and by whom.

  9. Hi Dan,
    The original V was in bad shape when it was hit.It was made of some composite of small rocks and dark sand.It was in pretty bad condition and the car did it a favor.I would check tornado photos to see what it was like at than time.Ill check some i have . Harrison

    1. The original "V" was destroyed in 1965, by a vehicular accident; IIRC, the Journal had a front page, below the fold story.

  10. Hi Alan,
    Are you pretty sure about that date? And can you remember if it was a winter-type accident or if it was in warm weather?

  11. I seem to recall that it was Spring of 1965, possibly '66; I know we were still living on Elyria Avenue at the time.

  12. There may still have been snow on the ground, because I think the car was headed east on West Erie, and skidded into the "V".

  13. Well, at least we were able to "save" the monument and keep it in its rightful, historic spot...We had a great centennial anniversary of it back in April.
