Thursday, May 12, 2022

Harbour Town Inn – May 1972

Fifty years ago, Vermilion was still in the planning stage of its Harbour Town – 1837 downtown district renewal project.

One of the first businesses to embrace the concept was the Harbour Town Inn, located at Exchange and Liberty Streets. Above is an article from the May 21, 1972 Journal that tells the story.

"The original building was constructed in the 1860's," the article by Staff Writer Bob Cotleur notes. "The dining room had been closed the past 40 years. And it seems entirely possible there might be a ghost around, though it won't be on the wide, white front veranda."

Although it may seem hard to believe, here is how the building looked when it was Hotel Maudelton

Historian Rich Tarrant's excellent "Vermilion Views" website includes a well-researched history of the building here, including the story of how the building was moved to that location.

And courtesy of Google, here's a look at the building today, which is the home of Step by Step Employment and Training.

I almost forgot to mention that we also get on that same page a nice article about Lorain's Pete Delis, who along with his wife Olga owned and operated the well-remembered Delis Furniture Store at 1224 Broadway at that time.


  1. That’s my uncle! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Pete & Olga Delis were my next to next door neighbors along with their daughters, Kallie & Caroline, on West Erie Avenue. Their brick house had a semi-circular drive in which they parked their beautiful dark blue 1963 Lincoln Continental.

    On the other side of our house lived Pete's brother, Archie.

    Needless to say, surrounded by the Delis brothers, we Wilkers knew where to go for furniture!!
