Monday, April 11, 2022

Yala’s Pizza: A Pizza By Any Other Name...

Did you know Yala’s Pizza has changed its name, as well as its longtime phone number?

Last week, an alert reader emailed me to let me know. At first, I thought it was an April Fool’s Day prank. But it’s no joke. 

The explanation was on the restaurant’s Facebook page. It notes, "On July 10th, 2021, Eliseo DeSantis passed away. It has been a troubling time having to continue forward without him, but I feel that he would be proud of the path we are taking. 

"March was a memorable month for our family. His birthday on the 16th and the anniversary of my family taking over the pizza shop, the 5th. 
"In honor of my parents, Eliseo and Francesca, who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into make the business what it is today I am happy to announce that we are rebranding Yala's Pizza to Fran's Pizza. Same recipe, same ingredients, same taste. Just a new name and a new number to go along with it (4402827544).
"Thank you all for your support this last year without my father and your continued support moving forward.
As expected, the name change has resulted in a variety of responses, from approval and support (from friends of the DeSantis family) and disappointment and outrage (from everyone else).
What do I think? Well, I think it’s a mistake. 
Yala’s Pizza is a symbol of Lorain. It was the first real pizza parlor on the West side of Lorain during its growth spurt in the 1950s, and consequently Yala’s was the first pizza many of us ever had. Some of us even remember being able to sit down and eat there.
The Brady’s ordered three small pizzas every Friday for years – and ate the leftovers for lunch on Saturday. It was our ritual.
As the decades passed, Yala’s taste and quality never changed, and the pizza attracted national attention as being authentic and great. I know people who have been to Italy and confirmed that Yala’s is the real thing.
Thank goodness the DeSantis family kept the iconic restaurant going, and creatively partnered it with Eliseo’s Pizza under the same roof.
But if the only change is the name and phone number, then why is it a big deal?
Well, people are funny. They don’t like change, and they don’t want something they love to be tampered with. (Remember New Coke?)
The name 'Yala’s Pizza' honors the recipe and taste that was created by the original people behind it: Louis Fuervando, Jay Telloni and Yala Armelie. To change the name to Fran’s Pizza obscures the company’s heritage, not to mention creating the impression that something dear to many Lorainite’s hearts (and stomachs) is going to change. And some people will stay away, judging by the Facebook reaction.
In the end, if someone loves the taste of the pizza enough, they won’t care what the name is. Just like the old saying, “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
It’s just that we lose a little bit of Old Lorain in the process. And in this day and age, there’s not a lot of it left.


  1. I never did care for Yala's pizza.Now Elisio's is my kind of pizza.I could just drink the sauce from Elisio's and be happy.And this still seems weird and fake newsish.Is this true?

  2. It was a shock to hear about the name change but when I learned of the reasons I completely understood. Besides it would take a lot more then a name change to keep me away from Fran's Pizza!

  3. I understand, but don't agree, with the name change. I don't understand the phone number change. That makes no sense. Is the old number forwarded to the new? Is there a message that says our phone number has changed? They are always so busy when I order on the weekend and can't seem to ever get enough help. The workers that are there are going at a frantic pace. I can't help but wonder if they are trying to slow their business a little bit by doing this?

  4. I've tried to order an Elisio's pizza quite a few times and when I go to pick it up I am handed a Yala's instead.There must be a high turn over of workers or whatever,but when I order a pizza,is it too much to ask to get the pizza that I ordered to start with?I just hope they can stay in business and everything works out for them with their new direction.

  5. In my opinion,the old Lusca's Pizza on the corner of Broadway and 28th St. will always be the best pizza that Lorain ever had.Eliseo's is a close 2nd.I might have to get an Eliseo's and reminisce about the good old days.

  6. I agree with the comment above. Lusca's Pizza was by far the best. Eliseo's was the closest I could find to their recipe but it wasn't the same. Yala's is good but was never my favorite. I understand the name change - if you are a loyal customer you will know they are still around. The phone number change is just bizarre and stupid in my opinion. Hopefully they do not change the recipe like the say - reminds me of the old Angelo's Pizza in Amherst. The new owner bought the place and changed everything - we tried it once and never went back - which apparently everyone else did as well because they were closed within a few months.

  7. I was a Rosie's fan, myself; from what I've heard, it's not what it was.

  8. I had a Rosie’s Pizza Friday night and it was as good as ever. And I may have to try an Eliseo’s soon after reading all these comments, and then a Yala’s, I mean, Fran’s, sooner or later. Lorain is lucky to still have so many excellent family-run pizzerias (reminds me I haven’t had a Selenti’s for some time). Wished I had tried Lusca’s more often, I think I had just one out of curiosity. But old habits are hard to break.

  9. Yala’s was the place to go after a football or basketball ball game in the 60’s and it couldn’t be beat. Best date place in town. A buck firva small pie and you could sit there forever.
