Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Sheffield Lake vs. Hotrodders – April 12, 1961

Sheffield Lake shows up on this blog too rarely. That’s why when I find a vintage article about the city that I lived in for almost 18 years, I move it up to the front of the line.

This article, from the Lorain Journal of April 12, 1961, tells about a problem that Sheffield Lake was having at that time with some pesky hot-rodders using part of an undeveloped boulevard for their auto antics.
It’s a little tough to understand what part of Lincoln Boulevard they were using. 
(BTW, I wrote about Knickerbocker Knolls – mentioned in the article – back here.
Today in 2022, Lincoln Boulevard is referenced on the official City of Sheffield Lake website as "an undeveloped paper street" that is part of the Lincoln Nature Trail. So I guess the hot-rodding days ended a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. I never knew about this; I do remember guys dragging on West Erie, generally taking off at Washington. When we lived at 19th and Washington (1967-69), I could not only hear the cars, but I could tell them apart by their engine sounds,Daytona's, GTOs, Mustangs, whatever.
