Thursday, April 28, 2022

Collins Waits for its New Post Office – April 1972

Fifty years ago, back when the Journal had news bureaus in many cities in and around the so-called "Golden Crescent," the newspaper featured many articles about small town life. What's great about this is that there was a lot of change taking place in these little burgs, and the paper was there to document it.

Along those lines, here's a story about Collins, a small town community located just off U. S. 20 between Wakeman and Norwalk. The focus of the story from the April 6, 1972 Journal is the construction of Collins' new post office, and the mystery surrounding the interruption of its construction.

So did Collins ever get its new U. S. Post Office?

Well, it's on the map. 
Unfortunately, I'm unable to drag the little Google Maps 'Street View" guy kicking and screaming onto North Railroad Street so we can get a nice view of the building. I guess Google didn't want to photograph that street.
At least we can get a glimpse of the brick Post Office (with its flagpole in front of it) from County Highway 58.

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