Thursday, March 24, 2022

Ohio Edison Ad – March 17, 1952

Did your mother dry the laundry outside on a clothes line?

Many of our neighbors had clothes lines when I was growing up in the 1960s – even on Skyline Drive –but we never did. Years ago, I asked my mother why we didn’t have one. 

Her explanation had something to do with birds.

Anyway, many people dried their clothes on a line in the 1950s. That's the theme of this Ohio Edison ad from the March 17, 1952 Lorain Journal featuring our old pal Reddy Kilowatt. 

The ad message is that with a Westinghouse electric dryer, you didn’t have to worry about your laundry ever getting rained on.

Using one of those online inflation converters, the dryer's $235 price tag would be more than 2500 bucks today. Shocking, to say the least!

Anyway, I like the little drop down door shown in the ad that you can fold your clothes on. I seem to do my folding all over the place – on the sofa, the bed, the kitchen table, even the floor!


  1. I had quite a bit of experience with laundry drying on a clothes line when I was younger, but never an incident with a bird strike. I would not dry clothes outside where I live now - too many geese.

  2. Gramma used to hang her huge, salmon-colored girdle on our clothesline.

    When the neighbor kids would ask what it was, I never knew quite how to ‘splain it!
